
Steps to ease the journey of building a Hubspot theme

Building a HubSpot theme involves creating a set of templates and styles that define the look and feel of your website within the HubSpot CMS (Content Management System).

Here’s a general guide to help you get started:

1. Understand HubSpot COS:

Familiarize yourself with HubSpot’s Content Optimization System (COS). Understand the structure of HubSpot templates, modules, and the way they interact.

2. Plan Your Theme:

Define the structure of your website. Outline the different page templates you’ll need (homepage, blog post, landing page, etc.) and identify common elements like headers, footers, and calls-to-action.

3. Create a New Theme:

In your HubSpot portal, navigate to Design Tools > Themes. Click on the “Create a new theme” button. Give your theme a name and start building.

4. Design in HubSpot Design Manager:

  • Templates: Create your page templates in the Design Manager. Customize the HTML and CSS for each template.
  • Modules: Break down your design into reusable modules. These could be headers, footers, sliders, etc. Modules make your design modular and easier to maintain.
  • CSS: Use the built-in CSS editor or link to an external stylesheet to manage your theme’s styles.

5. Leverage HubL:

HubL is HubSpot’s templating language. Learn how to use it to dynamically pull content from your HubSpot portal and make your templates flexible.

6. Responsive Design:

Ensure your theme is responsive. HubSpot’s Design Manager provides a responsive design tool to help you preview and adjust your theme for different screen sizes.

7. Test and Iterate:

Regularly test your theme across different devices and browsers. HubSpot has a preview mode that allows you to see how your theme will look on various devices.

8. Integrate with HubSpot Features:

  • Forms: Integrate HubSpot forms seamlessly into your templates.
  • Blog: If you have a blog, design and customize your blog template to match the overall theme.
  • CTAs (Calls-to-Action): Create and style CTAs that align with your theme.

9. Optimize for Performance:

  • Optimize images and media for fast loading times.
  • Minimize CSS and JavaScript files.
  • Leverage browser caching where possible.

10. Documentation:

Document your theme’s structure, modules, and styles. This will be helpful for future maintenance or if you’re collaborating with a team.

11. Test in Staging:

Before deploying your theme, test it in a staging environment to catch any potential issues.

12. Deploy Your Theme:

Once you’re satisfied with your theme, deploy it to your live HubSpot portal.

13. Iterate and Update:

Continuously iterate on your theme based on user feedback, design trends, and changes in your business needs.


Building a HubSpot theme involves a combination of design, coding, and familiarity with HubSpot’s CMS. Regularly updating and optimizing your theme will ensure your website stays visually appealing and aligned with your brand.

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